Qingdao Yunlu Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

97#, Yanyang Rd, Chengyang District, Qingdao, China.

Tel.: +86-532-87963333

Fax: +86-532-87965508

ETT-5000A Anode Saturable Reactor

ETT-5000A water-cooled anode saturable reactor is used for ultra-high voltage direct current (UHVDC) ±800 ±1100KV converter valve di/dt control. It is a type of ultra high voltage reactor.

Main functions of the anode saturable reactor
To restrict the SCR triggered current increase rate;
To restrict the instantaneous steep wave front impulse voltage of the SCR.

This current limiting reactor has the following features
Resistance to high voltage; Quick response; Fireproof; Compact structure; Easy to install; Lightweight.

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